Lomonosov Moscow State University and Ulm University
Moscow, September 30 October 4, 2014
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics Professor V.N.Chubarikov and
Member of RAS, Head of the Chair of Probability Theory of the MSU Professor A.N.Shiryaev
Professor A.V.Bulinski
Corresponding member of RAS, Professor V.M.Buchstaber
Member of RAS, Head of the Chair of the Differential Geometry and Applications,
Professor A.T.Fomenko
Member of RAS, Head of the Chair of Functions Theory and Functional Analysis,
Professor B.S.Kashin
Head of the Chair of Computational Mathematics, Professor G.M.Kobelkov
Invited lecturers:
Professor Anna Dall'Acqua (Ulm University)
Professor, corresponding member of RAS V.M.Buchshtaber
(Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Professor V.N.Chubarikov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Professor I.A.Dynnikov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Professor Evgeny Spodarev (Ulm University)
Professor Ulrich Stadtmuller (Ulm University)
Professor Robert Stelzer (Ulm University)
Professor A.A.Tuzhilin (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Professor Stefan Wewers (Ulm University)
Professor A.M.Zubkov (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, MSU)
September 30 (Tuesday)
Room 16-24
10:00 - 10.50 V.N. Chubarikov (MSU).
Arithmetic and Harmonic Analysis (special invited lecture)
10:55 - 11.45 Anna Dall'Acqua (Ulm University).
Elastic plates and surfaces (special invited lecture)
Coffee-break (room 16-03)
12.10 - 12.55 S.V. Konyagin (Steklov Math. Institute of RAS, MSU)
Large gaps between consecutive prime numbers (plenary talk)
13:00 - 13:45 V.I. Bogachev (MSU)
Lower bounds for the Kantorovich distance and multidimensional analogs
of the Hardy-Landau-Littlewood inequality (plenary talk)
Lunch (University restaurants)
ANALYSIS, Room 16-08
15:00 - 15.45 P.A. Borodin (MSU)
Density of semigroups in Banach spaces (plenary talk)
15:45 - 16:15 Lukas Bartholomaus (Ulm University)
Local solutions to a class of Monge-Ampere equations of mixed type
16:15 - 16:35 A.V. Meleshkina (MSU)
On n-term Approximations with Respect to Frames Bounded in Lp(0; 1),
2<p \le\infty
16:45 - 17:15 A.M. Savchuk (MSU)
Asymptotic formulae and Riesz basicity of EAF system of Dirac operator
with summable potential
17:15 - 17:35 A.A. Flerov (MSU)
On locally and bounded Chebyshev sets
17:35 - 17:55 A.V. Shaposhnikov (MSU)
Some remarks on Davies uniqueness theorem
17:55 - 18:15 E.D. Kosov (MSU)
Estimates of integral norms of polynomials on spaces with convex measures
October 1 (Wednesday)
Room 12-08
10:00 - 10.50 V.M. Buchshtaber (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, MSU).
Fiberwise multiplicative Hirzebruch genera (special invited lecture)
10:55{- 11.40 S.M. Gusein-Zade (MSU).
Higher order orbifold Euler characteristics and their generalizations (plenary talk)
Coffee-break (room 16-03)
12.05 - 12.55 Stefan Wewers (Ulm University).
L-functions of curves over number fields (special invited lecture)
13:00 - 13:45 E.V. Troitsky (MSU)
Reidemeister classes and twisted inner representations (plenary talk)
Lunch (University restaurants)
Room 13-02
15:00- 15:30 Frederic Stoffers (Ulm University)
Embedding of Riemannian metrics with negative curvature in 3-dimensional Euclidean space
15:30 - 16:00 D.V. Millionshchikov (MSU)
Cohomology of Landweber-Novikov algebra and singular Virasoro vectors
16:00 - 16:30 I.K. Kozlov (MSU)
Discrete invariants and topology of the Kovalevskaya integrable cases on the Lie algebras so(4) and so(3,1)
16:40 - 17:10 D.V. Gugnin (MSU)
On integral cohomology ring of symmetric products
17:10 - 17:30 A. Skripchenko (MSU)
Polygonal billiards with one-sided scatterings
17:30 - 17:50 A.I. Korchagin (MSU)
On group factor isomorphism problem
17:50 - 18:10 V. Shastin (MSU)
A combinatorial model of the Teichmuller metric for surfaces with punctures
Room 16-04
15:00 - 15:45 A.S. Holevo (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS).
On the problem of Gaussian optimizers in quantum information theory (special invited talk)
15:45 - 16:30 E.B. Yarovaya (MSU).
Spatio-temporal structure of stochastic lattice systems (special invited talk)
16:40 - 17:25 D.A. Shabanov (MSU).
A probabilistic approach for estimating the Van der Waerden numbers (special invited talk)
17:25 - 17:55 A.A. Shklyaev (MSU).
Deviations for solutions of random di erence equation and branching processes in random environment
October 2 (Thursday)
Room 12-08
10:00 - 10.50 A.M. Zubkov (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, MSU)
Application of the Laplace transform to the geometrical and probabilistic problems (special invited lecture)
10:55 - 11.40 V.Yu. Korolev (MSU)
Product representations for random variables with Weibull distributions and their applications (plenary talk)
Coffee-break (room 16-03)
12.05 - 12.55 Robert Stelzer (Ulm University)
Levy-driven CARMA processes (special invited lecture)
13:00 - 13:45 I.A. Sheipak (MSU)
Eigenvalues asymptotics of di erential operators with singular weight. Some applications for small deviations of Gaussian processes (plenary talk)
Lunch (University restaurants)
Room 16-13
15:00 - 15:30 Patricia Alonso Ruiz (Ulm University)
On the entropy of the directional distribution in fiber systems
15:30 - 16:00 Zywilla Fechner (Ulm University)
Parameter estimation of Levy-driven CARMA processes
16:00 - 16:30 A.D. Manita (MSU)
On the Long Time Behavior of Some Multidimensional Stochastic Synchronization Systems
16:40 - 17:10 Jurgen Kampf (Ulm University)
Central limit theorems for geometric functionals of random fields
17:10 - 17:30 Yu.A. Malyshkin (MSU)
High degree vertices in the preferential attachment model with choice
17:30 - 18:00 Yuwei Zhao (Ulm University)
The integrated periodogram of a dependent extremal event sequence
Room 13-23
15:00 - 15:45 T.P. Lukashenko and V.V. Galatenko (MSU)
System redundancy and generalizations of orthogonal expansions (special invited talk)
15:45 - 16:30 V.V. Vlasov and N.A. Rautian (MSU)
Spectral analysis and representations for the solutions of Volterra integrodi erential equations in Hilbert space (special invited talk)
16:40 - 17:25 I.G. Tsarkov (MSU)
Properties of Sets Admitting Continuous -Selections (special invited talk)
17:25 - 17:45 N.N. Fedotov (MSU)
The stability of orthogonal greedy expansions
17:45 - 18:05 D.V. Fufaev (MSU)
The intermediate case of regularity in the problem of di erentiation of multiple integrals
October 3 (Friday)
Room 12-08
10:00 - 10.50 A.A. Tuzhilin (MSU).
Steiner ratio problem and infinite boundaries (special invited lecture)
10:55 - 11.40 A.O. Ivanov (MSU)
Minimal filings of finite metric spaces (plenary talk)
Coffee-break (room 16-03)
12.05 - 12.55 I.A. Dynnikov (MSU).
Legendrian links, monotonic simplification, and Jones' conjecture (special invited lecture)
13:00 - 13:45 A.V. Penskoi (MSU)
Symmetry Reduction and Spectral Geometry (plenary talk)
Lunch (University restaurants)
Room 16-13
15:00 - 15:30 Adrian Spener (Ulm University)
On the Lojasiewicz-Simon inequality
15:30 - 16:00 G.V. Nosovskiy (MSU)
Laplace transform for heat equation with pertrubated order of derivative
16:00 - 16:20 Michel Borner (Ulm University)
Computational Aspects of L-functions
16:30 - 17:00 I.M. Nikonov (MSU)
Weak parities and functorial maps
17:00 - 17:20 Christian Steck (Ulm University)
Semistable and regular models of curves over local fields
17:20 - 17:40 Z.N. Ovsyannikov (MSU)
Some possible numbers of edge coverings of a bipartite graph or shortest paths with xed ends in a space of compact sets in Rn
17:49 - 18:00 V. Oganesyan (MSU)
Commuting differential operators of rank 2
October 4 (Saturday)
Room 12-08
10:00 - 10.50 Evgeny Spodarev (Ulm University).
Nonparametric estimation of the characteristics of stationary Levy random fields (special invited lecture)
10:55 - 11.40 I.G. Shevtsova (MSU)
Some moment estimates for characteristic functions with applications to construction of convergence rate estimates in the central limit theorem (plenary talk)
Coffee-break (room 16-03)
12.05 - 12.55 Ulrich Stadtmuller (Ulm University)
Modelling and analyzing dependence structures of random vectors with copulas (special invited lecture)
13:00 - 13:45 V.A. Vatutin (Steklov Math. Institute of RAS)
Macro- and microscopic structures of the family tree for an island model of branching processes (plenary talk)
Lunch (University restaurants)
Room 16-04
15:00 - 15:45 A.V. Bulinski (MSU)
Various approaches to the identification of significant factors (plenary talk)
15:45 - 16:15 Michael Harder and Ulrich Stadtmuller (Ulm University)
Maximal non-exchangeability: consequences and tests
16:25 - 16:55 A.A. Naumov (MSU)
Limit theorems for non Hermitian random matrices
16:55 - 17:15 A.S. Rakitko (MSU)
Baum-Katz type theorem for exchangeable random sequences
Patricia Alonso Ruiz (Ulm University). Postdoc, patricia.alonso@uni-ulm.de [PROBABILITY, 30 min]
Lukas Bartholomaus (Ulm University). Scientific Assistant, lukas.bartholomaeus@uni-ulm.de [ANALYSIS, 30 min]
Michel Borner (Ulm University). PhD student, michel.boerner@uni-ulm.de [GEOMETRY, 20 min]
V.I.Bogachev (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Functions Theory and Functional Analysis). Professor, vibogach@mail.ru [ANALYSIS, 45 min]
P.A.Borodin (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Functions Theory and Functional Analysis). Associate Professor, pborodin@inbox.ru [ANALYSIS, 45 min]
V.M.Buchstaber (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS; MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology). Corresponding Member of RAS, Chief Scientific Researcher, Professor, buchstab@mi.ras.ru [GEOMETRY, 50 min]
A.V.Bulinski (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Probability Theory). Professor, bulinski@mech.math.msu.su [PROBABILITY, 45 min]
V.N.Chubarikov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of the Mathematical and Computing methods of Analysis). Dean, Head of the Chair, Professor, chubarik1@mech.math.msu.su [ANALYSIS, 50 min]
I.A.Dynnikov (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS; MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology). Leading Scientific Researcher, Professor, dynnikov@mech.math.msu.su [GEOMETRY, 50 min]
Anna Dall'Acqua (Ulm University). Professor, anna.dallacqua@uni-ulm.de [ANALYSIS, 45 min]
Zywilla Fechner (Ulm University). Postdoc, zywilla.fechner@uni-ulm.de [PROBABILITY, 30 min]
N.N. Fedotov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Mathematical Analysis). PhD student, nikitafedot@ya.ru [ANALYSIS, 20 min]
A.A.Flerov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Functions Theory and Functional Analysis). PhD Student, aferov@rambler.ru [ANALYSIS, 20 min]
D. V. Fufaev (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Mathematical Analysis). PhD Student, fufaevdv@rambler.ru [ANALYSIS, 20 min]
V.V. Galatenko (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Mathematical Analysis). Associate Professor,
vgalat@imscs.msu.ru [ANALYSIS, 45 min, joint talk with T.P. Lukashenko]
D.V.Gugnin (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology). Reader, gugnin.dv@gmail.com [GEOMETRY, 30 min]
S.M.Gusein-Zade (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology). Professor, sabirg@list.ru [GEOMETRY, 45 min]
Michael Harder (Ulm University). Scientific Assistant, michael.harder@uni-ulm.de [PROBABILITY, 30 min, joint talk with U.Stadtmuller]
A.S.Holevo (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS). Head of the Dept. of Probability Theory of the Steklov Math. Institute of RAS, Professor, holevo@mi.ras.ru [PROBABILITY, 45 min]
A.O.Ivanov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Di erential Geometry and Applications). Professor, aoiva@mail.ru [GEOMETRY, 45 min]
Jurgen Kampf (Ulm University). Postdoc, juergen.kampf@uni-ulm.de [PROBABILITY, 30 min]
S.V.Konyagin (Steklov Math. Institute of RAS; MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of General Control Problems). Corresponding Member of RAS, Chief Scientific Researcher, Professor, konyagin@mi.ras.ru [ANALYSIS, 45 min]
A.I.Korchagin (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology). PhD student, a.i.korchagin@mail.ru [GEOMETRY, 20 min]
V.Yu.Korolev (MSU, Faculty of Computational Math.& Cybernetics, Chair of Math. Statistics). Head of the Chair, Professor, bruce27@yandex.ru [PROBABILITY, 45 min]
E.D.Kosov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Functions Theory and Functional Analysis). PhD Student, ked-2006@mail.ru [ANALYSIS, 20 min]
I.K.Kozlov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Di erential Geometry and Applications). Assistant Professor, ikozlov90@gmail.com [GEOMETRY, 30 min]
T.P.Lukashenko (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Mathematical Analysis). Professor,
lukashenko@mail.ru [ANALYSIS, 45 min, joint talk with V.V. Galatenko]
A.D.Manita (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Probability Theory). Associate Professor, manita@mech.math.msu.su [PROBABILITY, 30 min]
Yu.A.Malyshkin (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Probability Theory). PhD student, yury.malyshkin@mail.ru [PROBABILITY, 20 min]
A.V.Meleshkina (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Mathematical Analysis). Assistant Professor, Meleshkina-anna@mail.ru [ANALYSIS, 20 min]
D.V.Millionshchikov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology). Associate Professor, million@mech.math.msu.su [GEOMETRY, 30 min]
A.A.Naumov (MSU, Faculty of Computational Math.& Cybernetics, Chair of Math. Statistics). Scientific Researcher, naumovne@gmail.com, [PROBABILITY, 30 min]
S.S.Nikolaenko (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Di erential Geometry and Applications). PhD student, nikostas@mail.ru [GEOMETRY, 20 min]
I.M.Nikonov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Di erential Geometry and Applications). Associate Professor, nikonov@mech.math.msu.su [GEOMETRY, 30 min]
G.V.Nosovskiy (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Di erential Geometry and Applications). Associate Professor, gleb.nosovskiy@gmail.com [GEOMETRY, 30 min]
V.Oganesyan (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Di erential Geometry and Applications). PhD student, vardan.o@mail.ru [GEOMETRY, 20 min]
Z.N.Ovsyannikov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Di erential Geometry and Applications). PhD student, agent.wd28@gmail.com [GEOMETRY, 20 min]
A.V.Penskoi (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology). Associate Professor, penskoi@mccme.ru [GEOMETRY, 45 min]
A.S.Rakitko (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Probability Theory). PhD student, rakitko@gmail.com [PROBABILITY, 20 min]
N.A.Rautian (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Di erential Equations), Associate Professor,
nrautian@mail.ru [ANALYSIS, 45 min, joint talk with V.V.Vlasov]
A.M.Savchuk (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Functions Theory and Functional Analysis), Associate Professor, artem-savchuk@mail.ru [ANALYSIS, 30 min]
D.A.Shabanov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Probability Theory). Associate Professor, gold-amber@yandex.ru [PROBABILITY, 45 min]
A.V.Shaposhnikov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Functions Theory and Functional Analysis). PhD student, shal1t7@mail.ru [ANALYSIS, 20 min]
V.Shastin (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology). PhD student, shast.fds@mail.ru [GEOMETRY, 20 min]
P.A.Sheipak (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Functions Theory and Functional Analysis). Professor, iasheip@yandex.ru [ANALYSIS, 45 min]
I.G.Shevtsova (MSU, Faculty of Computational Math.& Cybernetics, Chair of Math. Statistics). Associate Professor, ishevtsova@cs.msu.su [PROBABILITY, 45 min]
A.V.Shklyaev (MSU, Faculty of Math.& Mechanics. Chair of Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Processes). Senior Scientific Researcher, ashklyaev@gmail.com [PROBABILITY, 30 min]
A.Skripchenko (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology). Scientific Researcher, sashaskrip@gmail.com [GEOMETRY, 30 min]
Adrian Spener (Ulm University). Scientific Assistant, adrian.spener@uni-ulm.de [GEOMETRY, 30 min]
Evgeny Spodarev (Ulm University). Director of the Institute of Stochastics, Professor, evgeny.spodarev@uni-ulm.de [PROBABILITY, 45 min]
Ulrich Stadtmuller (Ulm University). Professor, ulrich.stadtmueller@uni-ulm.de [PROBABILITY, 45 min]
Christian Steck (Ulm University). PhD student, christian.steck@uni-ulm.de [GEOMETRY, 20 min]
Robert Stelzer (Ulm University). Director of the Institute of Financial Mathematics, Professor, robert.stelzer@uni-ulm.de [PROBABILITY, 45 min]
Frederic Stoffers (Ulm University). Scientific Assistant, frederic.sto ers@uni-ulm.de [ANALYSIS, 30 min]
E.V.Troitsky (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology). Professor, e.v.troitsky@gmail.com [GEOMETRY, 45 min]
A.A.Tuzhilin (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Di erential Geometry and Applications). Director of the Laboratory, Professor, tuz@mech.math.msu.su [GEOMETRY, 45 min]
V.A.Vatutin (Steklov Math. Institute of RAS). Leading Scientific Researcher, Professor, vatutin@mi.ras.ru [PROBABILITY, 45 min]
V.V.Vlasov (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Mathematical Analysis), Professor,
vikmont@yandex.ru [ANALYSIS, 45 min, joint talk with N.A.Rautian]
Stefan Wewers (Ulm University). Professor, stefan.wewers@uni-ulm.de [GEOMETRY, 45 min]
E.B.Yarovaya (MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Probability Theory). Associate Professor, yarovaya@mech.math.msu.su [PROBABILITY, 45 min]
Yuwei Zhao (Ulm University). Postdoc, yuwei.zhao@uni-ulm.de [PROBABILITY, 30 min]
A.M.Zubkov (Steklov Math. Institute of RAS; MSU, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Chair of Math. Statistics and Stoch. Processes) Head of the Dept. of Discrete Math. of the Steklov Math. Institute of RAS, Head of the Chair, zubkov@mi.ras.ru [PROBABILITY, 50 min]
- Sep 30, 2014
- Кирилл Владимирович Семенов